McDonald’s Canada has just released a heartwarming ad called “Steal My Fries,” which celebrates the opportunity for friends to reconnect...
For the two iconic soda brands, the major challenge is to establish themselves as the leader in “sugar-free”. Coca-Cola, first...
The time it takes its customers to come to their store, usually located far from the city centers. Converting the...
Directed by Vincent Haycock, the T-Mobile and Deutsche Telekom’s commercial focuses on the digital activism of youth. An optimistic collaboration...
Etihad Airways, Abu Dhabi’s airline, chose Sixième Son to deploy a complete sound system that accompanies passengers from the moment...
According to an study conducted by Next Content in 2018 on “Connected Travelers”, one third of connected French travelers...
Web Series Inspiration Locales: a cross-media device to discover HYUNDAI distributors to listen to their stories. A video saga in...
“Being a sincere insurer is not something you declare, it’s something you prove” and that’s what Macif achieved through a...
Jardiland has chosen a young French company Touchify to equip some of its stores with dynamic interactive screens. The objective...
Break: that’s the name of the new and first media launched by the Gen Z brand. Created by Don’t Call...
The principle is simple: “1 km of running = 10 plastic bottles collected (on beaches and in the sea). For...
The series provides a glimpse into the intense human element of the sport, beyond the disembodied results and statistics. The...