After the worldwide success of the Netflix series Squid Game, investors flocked to companies linked to the programme. This creation...
Roblox is set to go public in March 2021 with a valuation of $45 billion and sales of $925 million...
4,000 dollars for a Gucci bag in Roblox: that’s a thousand dollars more than the item is worth in real...
A new step in the development of the online retail giant in conventional distribution: The American giant Amazon could open...
Renault (French car manufacturer) has created an unusual and unique large-scale event, the first “100% electric vehicle” village in France....
Skittles partnered with author, historian and activist Blair Imani to promote LGBTQ visibility during Pride Month staged by ICF Next...
By signing a unique collaboration, Dior intends to share with PSG a certain idea of creativity through dedicated collections. Kim...
In association with Dutch artist and activist Nina Valkhoff, Dove and The Body Shop brands are displaying their commitments on...
While waiting for the reopening of theatres, virtual concerts are a great success, especially those based on video games. Artists...
Cristiano Ronaldo moving Coca-Cola bottles during a press conference, then Paul Pogba doing the same with a beer bottle have...
On the occasion of the last Pride month, Lego has released a new rainbow coloured kit composed of 11 figures....
GoPro is clearly going into content creation with the ambition to become a real media… Its (huge) advantage in this...